Advanced Lecture
Series in Pattern Recognition
题 目 (TITLE):面向自动驾驶的视觉惯导融合状态估计与感知
讲 座 人 (SPEAKER):黄国权 博士(The University of Delaware)
主 持 人 (CHAIR):吴毅红 研究员
时 间 (TIME): 2021年5月26日(周三)10:00-12:00
地 点 (VENUE):智能化大厦3层第一会议室
As autonomous vehicles are emerging in many different application domains from self-driving cars and drone delivery to underwater survey, state estimation, as one of the most important enabling technologies for autonomous systems, becomes more important than ever before. While tremendous progress in autonomous navigation has been made in the past decades, many challenges remain. In this talk, I will present our recent research efforts on taking up these challenges. I will first discuss the observability-based methodology for consistent state estimation in the context of simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) and visual-inertial navigation system (VINS), and then will highlight some of our recent results on visual-inertial estimation and perception, including OpenVINS, inertial preintegration for graph-based VINS, robocentric visual-inertial odometry, Schmidt-EKF for visual-inertial SLAM with deep loop closures, visual-inertial moving object tracking and many others.
Guoquan (Paul) Huang is an Associate Professor at the University of Delaware, where he is leading the Robot Perception and Navigation Group. He is also an Adjunct Professor at the Zhejiang University and a Principal Research Scientist at Meituan. He received the Ph.D. (2012) in Computer Science from the University of Minnesota. His research interests focus on state estimation and spatial AI for robotics. He is an Associate Editors for IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters and IET Cyber-Systems and Robotics, as well as the two robotics flagship conferences (ICRA and IROS). Over the years, Dr. Huang has received various honors and awards including 2015 UD Research Award, 2015 NASA DE Space Research Seed Award, 2016 NSF CRII Award, 2018 SATEC Robotics Delegation, 2018 Google Daydream Faculty Research Award, 2019 Google AR/VR Faculty Research Award, 2019 Winner for the IROS FPV Drone Racing VIO Competition, and was the Finalists for the RSS 2009 Best Paper Award and the ICRA 2021 Best Paper Award. He was also nominated for the 2021 Blavatnik National Awards for Young Scientists.
