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题    目(TITLE):Deep Parsing and Deep Search – Application for the Bio-Medical Domain
讲 座 人(SPEAKER): Prof. Junichi Tsujii, Department of Computer Science, University of Tokyo, JAPAN, School of Computer Science, University of Manchester, UK, National Centre for Text Mining, UK
主 持 人 (CHAIR):Prof. Chengqing Zong
时    间 (TIME):10:00-12:00am, Thursday , April15,2010
地    点 (VENUE): 1115 Meeting Room
Research on deep parsing, which had been considered as impractical due to its efficiency and robustness, has made significant progress in these 10 years.  Deep parsing has now become ready for practical application. After brief introduction of research in the University of Tokyo on deep parsing, this presentation will focus on how deep parsing can be combined with other technologies for intelligent  information/relation extraction, semantic search, question answering and knowledge integration through domain ontologies. The two parsers (Enju and Mogura) successfully processed the whole MEDLINE (18 million abstracts). Two semantic serach systems (MEDIE and PathText) for the bio-medical domain, which use the parsed reults for indexing to gether with other ontology-based indexing, will be demonstrated.
Professor Jun-ichi Tsujii is Professor of Natural Language Processing in the Department of Computer Science, University of Tokyo. He is also scientific director of the National Centre for Text Mining (NaCTeM) and professor of Text Mining in the School of Computer Science University of Manchester. He has worked since 1973 in Natural Language Processing, Question Answering, Text Mining and Machine Translation. He is Project leader of a Specially Promoted Research (2006 - 2011) on Advanced NLP and Text Mining, by MEXT in Japan, and Co-investigator of BBSRC, BB/E004431/1. He gave keynote speeches and invited talks at many conferences such as LREC (2004), IWSL (2004), SMBM (2005), ICSB (2006), BioCreative(2007), IEEE-ASRU(2007), etc. His recent research achievements include (1) Deep semantic parsing based on feature forest model, (2) Efficient search algorithms for statistical parsing, (3) Improvement of estimator for maximum entropy model, and (4) Construction of the gold standard corpus (GENIA) for Bio Text Mining. He was President of ACL (2006) and President of IAMT (2002-2004). He is Permanent member of ICCL (International Committee for Computational Linguistics, 1992-).
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