Lecture Series in Pattern Recognition
题 目(TITLE):Sparse Coding: Structured Sparsity, Models and Algorithms
讲 座 人(SPEAKER):Prof. Chris H.Q. Ding (丁宏强); University of Texas at Arlington and安徽大学
主 持 人 (CHAIR):Prof. Chenglin Liu
时 间 (TIME):10:00AM, July26 (Tuesday)
地 点 (VENUE):The Second Meeting Room, 13th Floor
In sparse coding (compressed sensing), an input signal (an image or data instance) is encoded with a small number of dictionary signals. This leads to an improved presentation of the input signal, comparing to traditional orthogonal basis methods. It is soon realized that “structured sparity” is more useful in machine learning and pattern recognition. For example in feature selection, this enforces entire row of the regression coefficients to be zero, thus eliminates this feature dimension. In this talk, we will briefly explain sparse coding methods using L1, L2,1, L0 norm based models, their applications, and solution algorithms. These matrix-based models of pattern recognition demonstrate the power of matrix approach.
Talk based on “Towards Structural Sparsity: An explicit L2/L0 Approach”, D. Luo, C. Ding, H. Huang, best-paper-runner-up in ICDM 2010, and “Efficient and Robust Feature Selection via Joint l2,1-Norm Minimization”, NIPS 2010, F. Nie, H. Huang, X. Cai, C. Ding.
曾长期工作于美国加州理工学院,美国喷气动力实验室及美国劳伦斯-伯克利国家实验室,并于2007年加入德州大学阿灵顿分校任终身正教授。研究兴趣主要包括数据挖掘、机器学习、信息检索等领域,开创了用PCA和矩阵方法解决这些问题的新领域。曾在NIPS,ICML,KDD,IJCAI,AAAI等多个世界排名第一的会议担任程序委员会成员,并多次担任美国,爱尔兰,香港,以色列等多个国家科学基金会科研项目评审人。曾受邀在加州大学伯克利分校,斯坦福大学,卡耐基梅隆大学,滑铁卢大学,阿尔伯塔大学, Google研究院,IBM研究院,Microsoft研究院,香港大学,香港科技大学,新加坡国立大学,北大,清华做学术报告。发表180余篇研究论文,被引用6180次.在美国获得5百万美元科研基金。
承办单位:模式识别国家重点实验室 |