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Intelligent Pattern Recognition and Applications including Robotics

Advanced Lecture Series in Pattern Recognition
题    目 (TITLE):Intelligent Pattern Recognition and Applications including Robotics
讲 座 人 (SPEAKER):Prof. Patrick S.P. Wang (Northeastern University)
主 持 人 (CHAIR):Dr. Heping Li
时    间 (TIME):16:00pm, August 21 (Tuesday), 2018
地    点 (VENUE):No.6 Conference Room (3rd floor), Intelligence Building
This talk is concerned with fundamental aspects of Intelligent Pattern Recognition (IPR) and applications. It basically includes the following: Basic Concept of Automata, Grammars, Trees, Graphs, and Languages. Ambiguity and its Importance, Brief Overview of Artificial Intelligence(AI), Brief Overview of Pattern Recognition(PR), What is Intelligent Pattern Recognition(IPR)? Interactive Pattern Recognition Concept, Importance of Measurement and Ambiguity, How it works, Modeling and Simulation, Basic Principles and Applications to Computer Vision, Security, Road Sign Design, biomedical diagnosis, Safer biomedical diagnosis, Traffic and Robot Driving with Vision, Ambiguous vs Unambiguous Road Signs, How to Disambiguate an Ambiguous Road Sign? What is Big Data? And more Examples and Applications of Learning and Greener World using Computer Vision. Finally, some future research directions are discussed.
Patrick Wang, Fellow of IAPR, ISIBM, WASE, and IETI, has been tenured full professor of Computer & Information Science at Northeastern U, USA, MIT & Harvard U adjunct Faculty, Shanghai East China Normal University Zi-Jiang Visiting Chair Professor, research consultant at MIT Sloan School, and adjunct faculty of computer science at Harvard University. He received PhD in C.S. from Oregon State University, M.S. in I.C.S. from Georgia Institute of Technology, M.S.E.E. from National Taiwan University and B.S.E.E. from National Chiao Tung University (Hsin-chu, Taiwan).

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