Jian Xu

Ph.D. Professor

Pattern Analysis and Learning Group

State Key Laboratory of Multimodal Artificial intelligence Systems

Institute of Automation,Chinese Academy of Sciences

Email:   jian.xu@ia.ac.cn

Links:   https://xjhaoren.github.io/


I am currently an Associate Professor at Institute of Automation Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASIA) in PAL group. Before joining CASIA, I have 3 years of experience in AI corporations HUAWEI and XREAL. I obtained my Ph.D. in Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Systems from Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Science in 2020. Previously I received my B.S. in Control Science and Engineering from Shandong University in 2015. My research interests lie in Large Multimodal Models, AI4Science, Pose Estimation and Image Retrieval.

For more information, please visit the above personal webpage.

Contact Information

Haidian | Beijing | China

Phone : (+86-10)8254-4797

Fax : (+86-10) 8254-4594

