![](images/point02.gif) 实验室简介(National Journals)
实验室成员每年在国内外重要的学术期刊和国际学术会议上发表论文百余篇,其中不少发表在国际权威刊物与国际重要会议上,如IEEE汇刊(PAMI等),International Journal of Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Image and Vision Computing,Automatica, EuroSpeech, ICSLP, ICASSP, ICCV, ICPR, ACCV等。
实验室在开展国际国内学术交流与合作方面有着优良的传统。实验室借各种机会,积极组织学术交流。每年一批在美国、法国、德国、日本、英国等地工作的优秀中国留学生,定期到实验室从事短期客座研究,来自世界各地的知名学者到实验室做学术报告达几十人次。1997年实验室通过中科院自动化所和法国国立信息与自动化研究院(INRIA)成立了“中法信息、自动化与应用数学联合实验室”。中法联合实验室是中科院的一项重大国际合作项目,也是国内从事基础研究起步较早的中外合资的实验室之一。2000年10月国际口语翻译先进研究联盟(C-STAR: Consortium for Speech Translation Advanced Research)组织对实验室进行全方位的严格考察,成为其第七个核心成员,并正式签订协议。2002年10月,实验室与世界第一大图像处理公司Matrox合作成立了“图像联合实验室”,实现了科研单位与国外著名公司在图像领域内的跨国合作。实验室成员积极参与国内外学术组织的工作,担任许多国内外学术期刊的主编、副主编或编委,以及国际重要学术会议的大会主席或程序委员会委员等。2002年模式识别国家重点实验室主任谭铁牛被模式识别与计算机视觉领域的国际权威期刊《IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence》聘为编委,成为该刊自创立20多年来第一位进入该刊编委会的国内学者。2004年9月,蒋田仔研究员被医学影像领域的国际权威期刊IEEE医学影像汇刊(IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging)聘为编委(Associate Editor)。他是亚洲地区第一位获邀担任该刊的编委,也是惟一一位来自非欧美国家的编委。
NLPR Overview
The National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition (NLPR) at the Institute of Automation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) was established in 1987 to become one of the first national research laboratories in China. It is conveniently located in Zhong Guan Cun, China’s “silicon valley”, in the capital city Beijing, and has easy reach to downtown areas and the CapitalInternationalAirport.
The NLPR has an energetic team of young talented researchers active in cutting-edge research in the broad field of Pattern Recognition, with specific interests in speech recognition, natural language understanding, spoken language translation, image processing, computer vision, medical imaging and computing, computer graphics and information visualization, The present faculty consists of 28 staff researchers supported by a team of 4 technicians and secretaries. The average age of the faculty is about 38 and all senior researchers possess a PhD degree. The NLPR currently has 82 MSc and 120 PhD research students, 10 post-doctoral research fellows and more than 36 visiting researchers from China and overseas. NLPR members publish widely in leading national and international journals and conferences such as IEEE Transactions on PAMI, Pattern Recognition, Pattern Recognition Letters, Eurospeech, ICASSP, ICSLP, ICCV, ACCV, ICPR, ICIP, etc. They are also active in program committees and editorial boards of these journals and conferences. The NLPR frequently organizes and hosts national and international conferences or workshops.
As a national research laboratory, it receives regular funding from various departments of the Chinese Government. It also attracts funds through R&D projects from many other national and international sources such as the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the National Hi-Tech R&D Program (the 863 Program), the National Key Fundamental Research Program (the 973 Program) and international co-operation programs. The NLPR currently undertakes more than 60 projects.
The NLPR is always keen on establishing academic links with leading research laboratories worldwide. It currently hosts the joint Chinese-French Laboratory on Information, Automation and Applied Mathematics (LIAMA). LIAMA was set up in 1997 and jointly funded by the ChineseAcademy of Sciences and INRIA, France. Each year LIAMA sponsors a number of research projects undertaken jointly by Chinese and French researchers. LIAMA is widely regarded as a flagship in international scientific cooperation. The NLPR is the prime Chinese contractor in the EC’s Framework V project ANFAS (Data Fusion for Flood Analysis and Decision Support) which involves 13 research groups from China, UK, France, Greece and Slovakia. The NLPR is also a partner member (representing the Chinese language) of the international academic organization C-STAR (Consortium for Speech Translation Advanced Research).
- Conduct quality research in the broad field of Pattern Recognition
- Establish a center of excellence in scientific research, technological innovation and postgraduate training
- Promote technology transfer and international collaboration
- Computer and Robot Vision
- Image Processing and Multimedia
- Pattern Recognition
- Medical Imaging and Computing
- Speech Recognition and Translation
- Natural Language Understanding
- Computer Graphics and Information Visualization