![](images/point02.gif) 开放课题客座发表论文(Guest Professor Papers)
Bo Yang,
Dayou Liu, Jiming Liu. Discovering Communities from
Social Networks: Methodologies and Applications. Chapter 16, Handbook of
Social Networks: Technologies and Applications, Springer-Verlag Press, 2010.
Part 2, 331-346.
- Pengfei Huang, Daoqiang Zhang: Locality sensitive C-means clustering algorithms. Neurocomputing, 2010, 73(16-18): 2935-2943.
- Zhe Wang, Songcan Chen, Hui Xue, Zhisong Pan. A Novel Regularization Learning for Single-View Patterns: Multi-View Discriminative Regularization,Neural Processing Letters, 31(3): 159-175, 2010.
- Ming Zhao, Shutao Li, and James Kwok. Text detection in Images using sparse representation with discriminative dictionaries, Image and Vision Computing, vol. 28, no. 12, pp.1590-1599,2010.
- Shutao Li and Mingkui Tan. Tuning SVM parameters by using a hybrid CLPSO-BFGS, Neurocomputing, vol. 73, no. 10-12, pp. 2089-2096, 2010.
- G.-P. Liu, G.-Z. Li, Y.-L. Wang, Y.-Q. Yang. Modelling of inquiry diagnosis for coronary heart disease in traditional Chinese medicine by using multi-label learning, BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2010, 10:37.
- H.-N. Qu, G.-Z. Li, W.-S. Xu. An Asymmetric Classifier based on Partial Least Squares, Pattern Recognition, Elsevier, 43 (2010), pp. 3448-3457.
- Peiquan Jin, Xiaowen Li, Hong Chen, Lihua Yue. CT-Rank: A Time-aware Ranking Algorithm for Web Search, Journal of Convergence Information Technology, Vol.5(6), 2010, ISSN: 1975-9320, pp.99-111.
- Wei Zhang, Xiaochun Cao, et al. (2010). "Detecting and Extracting the Photo Composites Using Planar Homography and Graph Cut." IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2010 5(3): 544-555.
- Wei Qu, Yuanyuan Jia,and Michael Jiang, Pattern mining of cloned codes in software systems, Elsevier Information Sciences,Available online,2010
- Shikui Wei, Yao Zhao, Zhenfeng Zhu, Nan Liu, Multimodal Fusion for Video Search Reranking, IEEE Trans. on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Vol. 22, No. 8, 2010.
- Nan Liu, Yao Zhao, Zhenfeng Zhu, Rongrong Ni, Commercial Shot Classification Based on Multiple Features Combination, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Volume E93.D, Issue 9, pp. 2651-2655,Sep. 2010
- Zhenyong Fu, Hongtao Lu and Wenbin Li, Incremental visual objects clustering with the growing vocabulary tree. Multimedia tools and applications, accepted, published online, 06 October, 2010.
- Feiliang Ren, Jingbo Zhu, Huizhen Wang. Web Assistance Based Chinese-English Organization Name Translation. Journal of Computational Information Systems. 6:5, 2010. P 1483-1494.
- Xinbo Gao, C. Deng, et al. Geometric Distortion Insensitive Image Watermarking in Affine Covariant Regions. IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics-Part C: Applications and Reviews (IEEE-TSMC-C), Vol.40, No.3, pp.278-286, 2010.
- B. Wang, Xinbo Gao, et al. A Unified Tensor Level Set for Image Segmentation. IEEE Trans. on System, Man, and Cybernetics Part B: Cybernetics (IEEE-TSMC-B), Vol. 40, No.3, pp.857-867, 2010.
- Xinbo Gao, Y. Su, et al. A Review of Active Appearance Models. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics Part C: Applications and Reviews, Vol.40, No.2, pp.145-158, 2010.
- Xinbo Gao, Y. Wang, et al. On Combining Morphological Component Analysis and Concentric Morphology Model for Mammographic Mass Detection. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine (IEEE-TITB), Vol.14, No.2, pp.266-273, 2010.
- W. Lu, K. Zeng, D. Tao, Y. Yuan, Xinbo Gao. No-reference image quality assessment in contourlet domain. Neurocomputing (Elsevier), Vol.73, No.4-6, pp.784-794, 2010.
- J. Wen, Xinbo Gao, et al. Incremental Tensor Biased Discriminant Analysis: A New Color-based Visual Tracking Method. Neurocomputing (Elsevier), Vol.73, No.4-6, pp.827-839, 2010.
- X. Wang, Xinbo Gao, et al. Semi-Supervised Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model with Pairwise Constraints. Neurocomputing (Elsevier), Vol.73, No.10-12, pp.2186-2195, 2010.
- Xinbo Gao, W. Lu, et al. Image Quality Assessment: A Multiscale Geometric Analysis based Framework and Examples. Book Chapter of Handbook of Natural Computing. Springer, 2010.11.
- Huang, J., Lin Wang, Minghu Jiang, Interferon α-Inducible Protein 27 Computational Network Construction and Comparison between the Frontal Cortex of HIV Encephalitis (HIVE) and HIVE-Control Patients. The Open Genomics Journal 2010. 3(1875-693X): p. 1-8.
- Ying Sun, Lin Wang, Minghu Jiang, Secreted Phosphoprotein 1 Upstream Invasive Network Construction and Analysis of Lung Adenocarcinoma Compared with Human Normal Adjacent Tissues by Integrative Biocomputation, Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics, 2010, Vol. 56, No. 2-3, p. 59-71.
- Xiangru Li, Zhanyi Hu. Rejecting Mismatches by Correspondence Function. International Journal of Computer Vision(IJCV), 89(1):1-17, 2010.8.
- 韦世奎,赵耀,朱振峰,基于多证据融合的视频排序方法,电子学报, 第38 卷,第1 期, 2010.
- 刘楠,赵耀,朱振峰,基于Co-training 策略的视频广告文本检测,北京交通大学学报,第34 卷,第5 期,页数:1-7, 2010 年10 月.
- 伊慧明,周媛,张权,张翀,何雅娜,陈静,蒋田仔,张云亭. 岛叶的任务态和静息态功能磁共振成像. 中国医学影像技术, 2010,26(3):439-443.
- 伊慧明,张翀,赵雪,陈静,张权,李威,周媛. 词语联想任务激活脑区的连接度研究. 天津医科大学学报, 2010, 16(1): 8-11.
- 徐源璟, 汪俏珏,沈焕锋,李平湘,张红艳 基于刃边法与正则化模型的遥感影像复原方法, 测绘信息与工程, vol 35, no.6, 7-9, 2010.
- 金弟, 刘杰, 刘大有, 贾正雪, 何东晓. 基于k最近邻网络的数据聚类算法. 模式识别与人工智能, 2010, 23(4):546-551.
- 焦洪赞,钟燕飞,张良培,李平湘,2010,高光谱遥感数据 的DNA计算分类,遥感学报,第14期,第5卷,865-878.
- 张石,佘黎煌,徐中强,宋宇宁. 心电T波电交替检测算法综述[J]. 中国生物医学工程学报,2010,29(3).
- Wenhao Chen, Yuchun Fang, Jifeng Yao, Wu Zhang, Multi-core based parallel computing technique for content-based image retrieval. Journal of Shanghai University,2010,14(1):55-59.
- 冀飞,陈艾婷,赵阳,郗昕,李佳楠,王秋菊,李兴启,韩东一,杨仕明等.听神经病患者普通话单音节识别错误模式分析.中华耳鼻咽喉头颈外科杂志, 2010, 45 (4) : 277-281.
- 冀飞,郗昕,韩东一,等.普通话单音节测听表的多中心复测信度研究. 中华耳鼻咽喉头颈外科杂志, 2010, 45 (3) :200-205.
- 冀飞,陈艾婷,赵阳,等.耳蜗电图和ABR在听神经病诊断中的应用研究.临床耳鼻咽喉头颈外科杂志, 2010, 24(10):447-449
- 冀飞,陈艾婷,赵阳,周其友,郗昕. 听神经病患者的单音节识别率与言语声强的函数关系研究. 中国听力语言康复科学杂志. 2010, (41):23-26.
- 郗昕,冀飞,陈艾婷,赵乌兰,赵阳,许箭,仇春燕,李剑挥,韩东一.汉语普通话单音节测听表的建立与评估. 中华耳鼻咽喉头颈外科杂志, 2010, 45 (1) : 7-13.
- 郗昕,吴事儒,赵乌兰,冀飞,陈艾婷,王枫,韩东一. 噪声下汉语语句识别表在视、听、视+听三种模式下的等价性研究. 中国听力语言康复科学杂志. 2010, (41):19-22.
- 陈艾婷,郗昕,赵乌兰,冀飞,赵阳,韩东一. 噪声下言语识别速测表(Quick SIN)普通话版的编制. 中国听力语言康复科学杂志. 2010, (41):27-30
- JI Fei, XI Xin, CHEN Aiting, ZHAO Yang, HAN Dongyi. Development of a script of phonemically balanced monosyllable lists of Mandarin-Chinese. Journal of Otology, 2010, 5(1): 8-19.
- 王曼、江铭虎, 脑与语言认知研究进展”前沿科学,2010年第二期,第15-21页(标注资助)
- 贺一帆 江铭虎,“网络文本分类中基于信息瓶颈的特征提取方法”,清华大学学报(自然科学版)2010年Vol.50, 第1期,p46-49&54。EI检索.
- Yin Li, Yue Zhou, Junchi Yan, and Jie Yang. Tensor Error Correction for Corrupted Values in Visual Data. In Image Processing (ICIP), 17th IEEE International Conference, pages 2321–2324, Sep. 2010.
- Yin Li, Junchi Yan, Yue Zhou, and Jie Yang. Optimum Subspace Learning and Error Correction for Tensors. In Computer Vision (ECCV), 2010 11th European Conference, volume 6313 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 790–803, Sep. 2010.
- Ziheng Wang, Xudong Xie, An efficient face recognition algorithm based on robust principal component analysis, accepted by the Proceedings, ACM ICIMCS 2010, Harbin, China, 2010.
- Hongmin Liu, Zhiheng Wang. Robust irregular region matching based on inner product and exterior product. International Conference on Information and Automation, 2010.
- Hongmin Liu, Zhiheng Wang, Chao Deng. Extend point descriptors for line, curve and region matching. International Conference on Machine Learning and Computing, 2010 (EI).
- Chao Deng, Hongmin Liu, Zhiheng Wang. Applying an improved neural network to impulse noise removal. International Conference on Wavelet Analysis and Pattern Recognition, 2010(EI).
- Hongmin Liu, Zhiheng Wang. Research on corners classification using local orientation distribution. International Conference on Remote Sensing, 2010(EI).
- Zhe Wang, Daqi, Gao, Zhisong, Pan. An Effective Support Vector Data Description with Relevant Metric Learning. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(ISNN2010), 6064: 42-51, 2010.
- Zhe Wang, Rui Han, Zhisong Pan. A Novel DoubleMinOver Classifier Based On Second-order Tensor. The 2010 Sixth International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC2010), China, 2010.
- Zhe Wang, Daqi Gao. A New One-class Classifier: Relevant Component Analysis Data Description. International Colloquium on Computing, Communication, Control, and Management(CCCM2010), China, 2010.
- Zhang, Xiangdong ; Shen, Peiyi ; Xiao, Yuli ; Li, Bo ; Hu, Yang ; Qi, Dongpo ; Xiao, Xiao ; Zhang, Liang,License plate-location using Adaboost algorithm,2010 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation, Pages:2456-2461, ICIA 2010,June 20, 2010 - June 23, 2010,Harbin, Heilongjiang, China.
- Zhang, Xiangdong ; Shen, Peiyi ; Bai, Jianhua ; Lei, Jing ; Hu, Yang ; Xiao, Yuli ; Li, Bo ; Qi, Dongpo, License plate location based on adaboost, 2010 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation, Pages: 1705-1710, ICIA 2010,June 20, 2010 - June 23, 2010,Harbin, Heilongjiang, China.
- Zhang, Xiangdong ; Shen, Peiyi ; Gao, Jinrong ; X, X. ; Qi, Dp. ; Zhang, L. ; Xue, Ax. ; Liang, Xl. ; Chen, X., A license plate recognition system based on tamura texture in complex conditions, 2010 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation, Pages: 1947-1952, ICIA 2010,June 20, 2010 - June 23, 2010,Harbin, Heilongjiang, China.
- Guorong Li, Wei Qu, Qingming Huang, “Real-time interactive multi-target tracking using kernel-based trackers”, IEEE Conference on Image Processing, p.689-692, 2010.
- Junli Tao, Shutao Li, and Bin Yang, Multimodal image fusion scheme using dual-tree complex wavelet transform and particle swarm optimization, Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing, 18-21 August, 2010, Changsha, China, pp. 296-303.
- Qiuwei Hu and Shutao Li, A robust fusion method for vehicle detection in road traffic surveillance, Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing, 18-21 August, 2010, Changsha, China, pp. 180-187.
- Leyuan Fang and Shutao Li, An efficient dictionary learning algorithm for sparse representation, Proceedings of the Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition, 21-23 October 2010, Chongqing, China, pp. 489-493.
- Shutao Li and Leyuan Fang,Efficient learned dictionary and its application to non-local denoising, Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing, 26-29 September, 2010, Hongkong, China, pp. 1945-1948.
- G.-Z. Li, M. You, L. Ge, J.Y. Yang, M.Q. Yang. Feature Selection for Semi-Supervised Multi-Label Learning with Application to Gene Function Analysis, In: Proceedings of The First ACM International Conference On Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (ACM-BCB), August 2010, Niagara Falls, NY. 354-357 .
- Xujiang Zhao, Peiquan Jin, Lihua Yue, Automatic Temporal Expression Normalization with Reference Time Dynamic-Choosing, The 23rd International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING), 2010, pp.1498-1506
- Jie Zhao, Peiquan Jin, Research on Web-Oriented Detection and Early-warning of Evolutional Public Emergencies, Proc. Of AMT, Advanced Materials Research, Vols. 108-111, ISSN:1662-8985, Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland, 2010, pp. 178-183
- Hong Chen, Qiang Li, Peiquan Jin, BT+-tree: A New Index for Temporal Information in Web Pages, The 2010 International Conference on Database Theory and Application (DTA), CCIS, Vol.118, Springer, Jeju Island, Korea, 2010, pp.68-78
- Lin Wu and Xiaochun Cao (2010). Geo-location estimation from two shadow trajectories. 2010 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2010: 585-590.
- Xiaojie Guo and Xiaochun Cao (2010). Triangle-Constraint for Finding More Good Features. 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2010: 1393-1396.
- Chao Deng, Xiaochun Cao, et al. (2010). A Global Spatio-Temporal Representation for Action Recognition. 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2010: 1816-1819.
- Xiaojie Guo and Xiaochun Cao (2010). FIND: A Neat Flip Invariant Descriptor. 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2010: 515-518.
- Hua Zhang, Xiaojie Guo and Xiaochun Cao (2010). Water Reflection Detection Using a Flip Invariant Shape Detector. 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2010: 633-636.
- Nan Liu, Yao Zhao, Zhenfeng Zhu, Hanqing Lu, Multi-modal characteristics analysis and fusion for TV commercial detection, 2010 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME2010), pp. 831-836, Jul. 2010.
- Nan Liu, Yao Zhao, and Zhenfeng Zhu, Commercial recognition in TV streams using coarse-to-fine matching strategy, The 2010 Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM 2010), Advances in Multimedia Information Processing - PCM 2010, Lecture Notes in Computer Science , Volume 6297/2010, pp. 296-307, Sep. 2010.
- Yanhui Xiao, Yao Zhao, Zhenfeng Zhu, Kernel Canonical Correlation with Similarity Refinement for Automatic Image Tagging, The Sixth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing(IIH-MSP), pp.446-449,Oct. 2010.
- Xiangyang Liu, Hongtao Lu and Wenbin Li, Multi-manifold modeling for head pose estimation. ICIP2010, Hong Kong, 2010.
- Xin Shu, Yao Gao and Hongtao Lu. Face recognition via robust face representation and compressive sensing. International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communications Systems.
- Feiliang Ren, Jingbo Zhu, Huizhen Wang. A Novel Chinese-English ON Translation Method Using Mix-language Web (EI & ISTP). Proceedings of 2010 IEEE International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering. 2010. Pp186-193.
- Feiliang Ren, Jingbo Zhu, Huizhen Wang. Web-Based Technical Term Translation Pairs Mining for Patent Document Translation (EI & ISTP). Proceedings of 2010 IEEE International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering. 2010. Pp536-543.
- Liang Wang,etc. Homography-based visual measurement of wheel sinkage for a mobile robot. IEEE International Conference of System, Man and Cybernetics. 2010.
- Di Jin, Dongxiao He, Dayou Liu, Carlos Baquero. Genetic Algorithm with Local Search for Community Mining in Complex Networks. In the Proceedings of The 22th annual IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI'10), 26-30, Oct, 2010 in Arras, France. 105-112.
- Helong Yu, Dayou Liu, Guifen Chen, Baocheng Wan Shengsheng Wang, Bo Yang. A neural network ensemble method for precision fertilization modeling. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 2010, 51(11): 1375-1382.
- Lihuang She, Yuning Song, Shi Zhang, Zhongqiang Xu. A Precise Ambulatory ECG Arrhythmia Intelligent Analysis Algorithm Based On Support Vector Machine Classifiers [C]. International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics(BMEI), 2010, 708-712.
- Lihuang She, Zhongqiang Xu, Shi Zhang, Yuning Song. De-noisng Of ECG Based On EMD Improved thresholding And Mathematical Morphology Operation [C]. International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI), 2010, 838-842.
- Mingquan Wang, Jinshuan Zhao, Shi Zhang, and Guohua Wang. Electrical Impedance Tomography Based on Filter Back Projection Improved by Means Method [C]. International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI), 2010, 218-221.
- Mingquan Wang, Guohua Wang, Shi Zhang, and Jinshuan Zhao. Electrical Impedance Tomography Based on Tikhonov Regularization Method Improved by Level Set Method [C]. International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics(BMEI), 2010, 222-225.
- Yin Guo, Hui Zeng, Zhi-chun Mu, Fengzhang. Rotation-Invariant DAISY Descriptor for Keypoint Matching and Its Application in 3D Reconstruction, The IEEE 10th International Conference on Signal Processing, 2010, pp:1198-1201.
- Hui Zeng, Ji-yuan Dong, Zhi-chun Mu, Yin Guo. Ear Recognition Based on 3D Keypoint Matching, IEEE 10th International Conference on Signal Processing, 2010, pp:1694-1697.
- Yin Guo, Zhi-chun Mu, Hui Zeng, Kai Wang. Fast Rotation-Invariant DAISY Descriptor for Image Keypoint Matching. The IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia, Taiwan, December 13-15, 2010.
- Jie Luo,Yuchun Fang,Qiyun Cai,A MANOVA of Major Factors of RIU-LBP Feature for Face Recognition,Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition,2010,1028-1031.
- Qiyun Cai,Yuchun Fang,Jie Luo,Wang Dai,A Novel Metrics Based on Information Bottleneck Principle for Face Retrieval,LNCS 6297: Advances in Multimedia Information Processing - PCM2010,2010,Part I:404-413.
- L. An, Xinbo Gao, et al. Robust Lossless Data Hiding: Analysis and Evaluation. The 2010 International Conference on High Performance & Simulation (HPCS), pp.512-516, June 28- July 2, 2010, Caen, France.
- Xinbo Gao, N. Liu, et al. Spatio-temporal salience based Video Quality Assessment. in proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), pp.1501 -1505, October 10-13, 2010, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Man Wang, Yifan He, Minghu Jiang, Text Categorization of Enron Email Corpus Based on Information Bottleneck and Maximal Entropy, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, 2010. p. 2472-2475.
- Qiu Likun, Zhang Wenxian. Semantic Pattern of Chinese Post-modified V+N Phrases. International Conference on Asian Language Processing 2010(IALP2010). Harbin, China, Dec 28-30, 2010.
国内会议(National Conferences)
- 陈思坤,吴洪,基于图像分块并利用空间金字塔的医学图像分类, 第六届和谐人机环境联合学术会议, Sept. 24-25, 2010 洛阳,中国.
- 王志衡, 刘红敏. 基于蜘蛛网划分策略的不规则区域匹配方法.中国模式识别大会, 2010 (EI).
- 沈沛意,杨刚,张亮,肖潇,基于智能视频的嵌入式网格信息分析系统,军事信息系统软件仿真学术研讨会论文集,335-339页,兵器工业出版社,2010,ISBN:978-7-80248-532-7。
- Leyuan Fang and Shutao Li, An efficient dictionary learning algorithm for sparse representation, Proceedings of the Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition, 21-23 October 2010, Chongqing, China, pp. 489-493.
- 胡建文, 李树涛, 杨斌, 基于IHS变换和稀疏表示的遥感图像融合, Proceedings of the Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition, 21-23 October 2010, Chongqing, China, pp. 494-497.
- Bangyu Sun and Shutao Li, Moving cast shadow detection of vehicle using combined color models, Proceedings of the Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition, 21-23 October 2010, Chongqing, China, pp. 503-507.
- 杨博,刘大有,刘际明. 随机集成网络模型及其在广义社区挖掘中的应用, 2010年第三界中国Agent理论与应用大会论文集. 2010. (大会最佳论文)
- Lihuang She, Jinshuag Zhao, Shi Zhang, Guohua Wang, Gang Wang. A novel portable one lead ECG monitor with low-cost and long-time recording based on NUC501 [C]. 2010 Chinese Control and Decision Conference, 2010, 276-279.
- 邱立坤、邵艳秋,语义词典归类不当现象自动发现,2010年全国信息检索学术会议论文集,2010年8月,中国黑龙江.