![](images/point02.gif) 开放课题客座发表论文(Guest Professor Papers)
- Weiyao Lin, Yuanzhe Chen, Jianxin Wu, Hanli Wang, Bin Sheng, Hongxiang Li: A new network-based algorithm for human activity recognition in videos. IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2013 (录用)
- Zheng Lu, Xiaokang Yang, Weiyao Lin, Hongyuan Zha, Xiaolin Chen: Inferring user image search goals under the implicit guidance of users. IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2013 (录用)
- Weiyao Lin, Hang Chu, Jianxin Wu, Bin Sheng, Zhenzhong Chen: A new heat-map-based algorithm for recognizing group activities in videos. IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 23(11): 1980-1992, 2013.
- Zhaoxiang Zhang, Kaiqi Huang, Yunhong Wang, Min Li: View independent object classification by exploring scene consistency information for traffic scene surveillance. Neurocomputing, 99: 250-260. 2013.
- Rui Xia, ChengqingZong, Xuelei Hu, and Erik Cambria: Feature Ensemble plus Sample Selection: Domain Adaptation for Sentiment Classification. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 2013, 28(3). 10-18, 2013.
- Jing Liu, Zechao Li, Jinhui Tang, Yu Jiang, Hanqing Lu: Personalized Geo-Specific Tag Recommendation for Photos on Social Websites. IEEE Trans. on Multimedia. In press.
- Jinhui Tang, Guo-Jun Qi, Liyan Zhang, Changsheng Xu: Cross-Space Affinity Learning with Its Application to Movie Recommendation. IEEE Trans. onKnowledge and Data Engineering 25(7): 1510-1519, 2013.
- Jinhui Tang, Shuicheng Yan, Chunxia Zhao, Tat-Seng Chua, Ramesh Jain: Label-specific training set construction from web resource for image annotation. Signal Processing, 93(8): 2199-2204, 2013.
- Weiyao Lin, Yuanzhe Chen, Jianxin Wu, Hanli Wang, Bin Sheng, Hongxiang Li: A new network-based algorithm for human activity recognition in videos. IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2013 (录用)
- Zheng Lu, Xiaokang Yang, Weiyao Lin, Hongyuan Zha, Xiaolin Chen: Inferring user image search goals under the implicit guidance of users. IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2013 (录用)
- Weiyao Lin, Hang Chu, Jianxin Wu, Bin Sheng, Zhenzhong Chen: A new heat-map-based algorithm for recognizing group activities in videos. IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 23(11): 1980-1992, 2013.
- Richang Hong, Linxie Tang, Yue Gao, Jun Hu, Qiong Liu. Advertising Object in Web Videos. Neurocomputing, 119:118-124. 2013.
- Richang Hong, Meng Wang, Yue Gao, Xuelong Li, Xindong Wu. Image Annotation By Multiple-Instance Learning with Discriminative Feature Mapping and Selection. IEEE trans. System, Man and Cybernetics Part: B. In press
- Shikui Wei, Dong Xu, Xuelong Li, Yao Zhao. Joint Optimization towards Effective and Efficient Image Search. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics. Vol.44, No.6, pp. 2216-2227,2013
- Xiao-Yong Wei, Zhen-Qun Yang. Coaching the Exploration and Exploitation in Active Learning for Interactive Video Retrieval. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. Vol.22, No.3, pp. 955-968,2013
- Yong Li, Bin Sheng, Lizhuang Ma, Wen Wu, and Zhifeng Xie. Temporally Coherent Video Saliency Using Regional Dynamic Contrast, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2013.
- Bin Sheng, Hanqiu Sun, Macus Magnor, Ping Li. Colorization Using the Rotation-Invariant Feature Space, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2013.
- Bin Sheng, Weiliang Meng, Hanqiu Sun, Enhua Wu:, Perception-motivated multiresolution rendering on sole-cube maps. Multimedia Tools Appl. (2013).
- Wei Wang, Xiangze Zhang, Bin Sheng, Mingang Chen, Lizhuang Ma, Automatic GUI Test by Using SIFT Matching, China Communications.
- Mingliang Chen, Weiyao Lin, Xiaozhen Zheng, Xu Chen: A new algorithm for compressing massive region-of-interest location information in videos. ICMEW, pp.1-6, 2013.
- Xiaoqiong Su, Weiyao Lin, Xiaozhen Zheng, Xintong Han, Hang Chu, Xiaoyun Zhang: A new local-main-gradient-orientation HOG and contour differences based algorithm for object classification. ISCAS, pp.2892-2895, 2013.
- Gang Yuan, Zhaoxiang Zhang, Yunhong Wang: Enhancing Person Re-identification by Robust Structural Metric Learning. ICIG 2013, pp.453-458, 2013.
- Chao Wang, Yunhong Wang, Zhaoxiang Zhang, Yiding Wang: Face Tracking and Recognition via Incremental Local Sparse Representation. ICIG 2013, pp. 493-498, 2013.
- Rui Xia, Xuelei Hu, Jianfeng Lu, Jian Yang, and ChengqingZong. Instance Selection and Instance Weighting for Cross-domain Sentiment Classification via PU Learning. Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), pp. 2276-2182, 2013.
- Rui Xia, Tao Wang, Xuelei Hu, Shoushan Li, and ChengqingZong. Dual Training and Dual Prediction for Polarity Classification. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), short paper, pp. 521-525, 2013.
- Dongyan Guo, Jinhui Tang, Jundi Ding, Chunxia Zhao: Saliency-Based Content-Aware Image Mosaics. MMM 2013, pp.436-444, 2013.
- Mingliang Chen, Weiyao Lin, Xiaozhen Zheng, Xu Chen: A new algorithm for compressing massive region-of-interest location information in videos. 2013 ICMEW, pp.1-6, 2013.
- Xiaoqiong Su, Weiyao Lin, Xiaozhen Zheng, Xintong Han, Hang Chu, Xiaoyun Zhang: A new local-main-gradient-orientation HOG and contour differences based algorithm for object classification. ISCAS, pp.2892-2895, 2013.
- Tongfei Chen, Xiaojun Zou, Weimeng Zhu, Junfeng Hu: Human-Computer Interactive Chinese Word Segmentation: An Adaptive Dirichlet Process Mixture Model Approach. Proc. IJCNLP 2013.
- Xiaojun Zou, Ni Sun, Junfeng Hu: Diachronic Corpus Based Word Semantic Variation and Change Mining. Proc. International Conference Language Processing and Intelligent Information Systems (LP&IIS 2013).
- Weimeng Zhu, Ni Sun, Xiaojun Zou, Junfeng Hu: The Application of Kalman Filter Based Human-Computer Learning Model to Chinese Word Segmentation, Proc. 14th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics (CICLing 2013). p218-230, 2013.
- Zhong Zheng, Yao Zhao, Shikui Wei, Zhenfeng Zhu. Neighborhood Reversibility Verifying for Image Search. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Expo. Vol.1, pp.1-6, 2013 San Jose, California, USA.
- Chengdong Cui, Yao Zhao, Shikui Wei, Zhenfeng Zhu. Multiple PiPs Detection in Unbounded Video System. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Expo(Workshops). Vol.1, pp.1-6, 2013. San Jose, California, USA
- Su Jiang, Yao Zhao, Shikui Wei, Rongrong Ni, Zhenfeng Zhu. Frame Filtering and Path Verification for Improving Video Copy Detection. International Conference on Internet Multimedia Computing and Service. Vol.1, pp.34-37, 2013. Huangshan, China
- Bin Sheng, Hanqiu Sun, Yubao Wu, Daniel Thalmann. Parallel Iso/Aniso-scale Surface Texturing Guided in Gabor Space, ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2013 Technical Brief.
- Kai Yu, Shang Wu, Bin Sheng, Lizhuang Ma: Layered depth-of-field rendering using color spreading. VRCAI 2013: 77-82
- H. Xu, Z. Zhou, Bin Sheng, L. Ma: Fast vehicle detection based on feature and real-time prediction. ISCAS 2013: 2860-286.
- Weichen Xue, Xiangze Zhang, Bin Sheng, Lizhuang Ma, Image-based depth-of-field rendering with non-local means filtering, IEEE ICMEW 2013.
- Weichen Xue, Dong Xing, Ming Lin, Jing Wang, Bin Sheng,Lizhuang Ma, Depth-of-field Rendering with Saliency-based Bilateral Filtering,IEEE CAD/Graphics 2013.
- Qi Wang, Zhengzhe Liu, Chen Li and Bin Sheng, Image Enlargement by Patch-Based Seam Synthesis, APSIPA ASC 2013.
国内会议(National Conferences)
- Tongfei Chen, Weimeng Zhu, Xueqiang Lv, Junfeng Hu: A Kalman Filter Based Human-Computer Interactive Word Segmentation System for Ancient Chinese Texts: Proc. The Twelfth China National Conference on Computational Linguistics, 2013.